Core Team

GRANDcares is funded by USDA-NIFA-CYFAR (2015-06132) and is a collaboration between Colorado state University and University of Hawaii.
Colorado State University (CSU) & University Of Hawai’i at Manoa (UHM)
Sustainable Community Project (Co&Hi-SCP)
USDA/NIFA Children Youth & Families At-Risk (2015-06132)
Executive Summary 2015-2020
Project Team Members

Christine A. Fruhauf, Ph.D.
PI, Colorado State University
Christine serves as the Principle Investigator for Colorado on the GRANDcares Project. Her research interests focus on aging family issues and, in particular, since 1995 has studied the experiences of grandparents raising grandchildren. She is delighted that through this project the team is able to support grandfamilies’ self-care practices.

Loriena Yancura, Ph.D.
Co-PI, University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Heather Greenwood-Junkermeier, MS Gerentology
Co-PI & Extensin Agent, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Heather has been with Extension for almost 20 years and with University of Hawaii Manoa for the last 10. She loves working with and learning from grandfamilies and is delighted to be working with dedicated GRANDcares team members in Hawaii and Colorado.

Nate Riggs, Ph.D.
Evaluator, Colorado State University
Dr. Riggs is a prevention scientist. His basic research interests include testing relationships between brain development and social-emotional learning in children and adolescents. He applies this research to the prevention of behavior problems, substance use, and obesity. He is also interested in integrating mindfulness practice into preventive interventions.

Ruth Willson, B.S.
Technology Specialist, Colorado State University Extension
Ruth Willson is the Director of Technology for Extension. Ruth provides technical support on a variety of projects within Extension to help promote healthy living and good environmental stewardship.

Nancy Mendoza, M.A.
Graduate Research Assistant, Colorado State University
Born and raised in Fort Collins, Colorado, Nancy is a graduate student in the Applied Developmental Science program at Colorado State University. She completed a B.S. in Psychology at Colorado State University in 2006, and an M.A. in Gerontology at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley in 2009. Nancy has worked on the GRANDcares Project as the lead graduate research assistant and also enjoys co-leading Powerful Tools for Caregivers- Grandfamiles.
Community Site Team Leaders
Laurel Kubin, M.S.
Site 1, Colorado State University Larimer County Extension – Retired
Janet Benavente
Site 2, Colorado State University Adams County Extension – Retired
Heather Greenwood Junkermeier
MSG, Site 3, University of Hawai’i at Manoa Maui
Joan Chong
Site 4, University of Hawai’i at Manoa Hawaii County Extension
Colorado Team

Site 1: Larimer County

Sue Schneider, Ph.D.
Extension Agent, Colorado State University Larimer County Extension
Sue Schneider is a medical anthropologist who has been involved in community health programming for over 15 years. Sue works with the Larimer County office of CSU Extension as a Family and Consumer Science & Community Development Agent with a focus on healthy aging and well-being. She is involved with the Larimer County Alliance for Grandfamilies and serves as a team lead for the Grandcares program.

Jana Carson, B.A.
Graduate Student, Colorado State University
Jana is a Marriage and Family Therapy graduate student at Colorado State University. Previously, she completed a double major in Psychology and Spanish at Creighton University. Jana works with the project as both a Site Coordinator and a class co-leader. She is dedicated to helping those in the community that are marginalized by listening to their stories, providing them will skills and tools, and connecting them with other resources.
Site 2: Adams County

Gloria Sanchez
Site Coordinator & Growing Home Facilitator and Promotora, Colorado State University
Gloria has been a Promotora/Program Facilitator since 2012. Her work has focused on parent education of Early Childhood Development, through Growing Home, Inc and partnering agencies, such as ECPAC and Westwood Unidos.
Community Partners
Site 1: Larimer County
Grand Family Coalition, Inc.
Gail Engel, Founder |
970-699-2837 or | |
Grand Family Coalition, Inc. is a non-profit organization that supports Kinship Families by providing social groups, day time support groups, mentor programs, and family oriented activities. |
Larimer County Department of Human Services (DHS)
Ruben Guerrero, Kinship Families | | |
Larimer County DHS offer a variety of benefits for families, including Grandparents (or other relatives) raising children. Some of these include Relative Caregiver TANF, Food Assistance, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Program (MSP), Old Age Pension (OAP), and Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). |
Larimer County Office on Aging (LCOA)
Lynette McGowan, Family Caregiver Support Coordinator |
970-498-7758 or email at | |
LCOA provides direct services, funds community partners, and provides leadership in the planning and coordination of services for older and disabled adults in Larimer County. This includes information and assistance for aging and disability resources, options counseling to better understand long term care services and supports, benefits counseling to help with Long Term Care Medicaid and Medicare savings program applications, family caregiver support, and long term care ombudsman for residents in assisted living and nursing homes. |
Mountain View Presbyterian Church
Suzanna Hetchler, Senior Ministries Coordinator |
970-663-3810 or | |
Mountain View Presbyterian Church provides a place for all ages to worship, fellowship and be involved in multiple ministries within our church and the community both in Loveland and internationally. Senior ministries programs provide older adult within our church, community and local living facilities times of fellowship, entertainment, education and support. |
Namaqua Center of SummitStone Health
Craig Callan, Kinship Navigator |
970-494-4231 or | |
Namaqua Center’s Grandfamily Support Program provides ongoing outreach, case management assistance and support at no cost to grandparents raising grandchildren in Larimer County. The Family Support Program also provides community based services for at-risk children and families including coaching and mentoring, respite, after school programming (The Spot), and summer camp. |
Realities for Children
970-484-9090 | |
Realities For Children Charities is a charitable organization that provides for the unmet and emergency needs of Northern Colorado Children who have been abused, neglected or are at-risk. In partnership with various Affiliate Agencies we believe that no child should be forgotten. |
St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Parish
Kelly Krapes, Marriage and Family Life Minister |
970-226-1303 or | |
Site 2: Adams County
Catholic Charities: Denver
Carrie Savage, Kinship Program Coordinator |
303-742-0828 or | |
We have a Kinship Caregiver Program that supports caregivers from all cultural and faith backgrounds that are raising relatives’ children due to circumstances such as the death or illness of the biological parents, incarceration, or drug abuse. We offer monthly support groups, fun family events, and special trainings to families in five counties: Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Adams, and Douglas. Our programs are free and include meals and childcare. View the flyer with more information. |
CO Department of Human Services
Jeannie Berzinskas, Kinship Care Program Administrator |
303-866-4617 or | or |
CO Department of Human Services maintains a kinship website and Facebook page to provide pertinent information to kinship caregivers and the people who serve them. General information and navigation services are also available. |
Hawaii Team
Site 3: Maui County

Heather Greenwood-Junkermeier, MS Gerentology
Co-PI & Extensin Agent, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Heather has been with Extension for almost 20 years and with University of Hawaii Manoa for the last 10. She loves working with and learning from grandfamilies and is delighted to be working with dedicated GRANDcares team members in Hawaii and Colorado.

Christine Spencer
Site Coordinator, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Christine Spencer earned a Bachelors degree from Fordham University. Prior to working for GRANDcares, she spent three years working on programs to support families living in conflict zones. Her biggest inspiration in life is her grandmother Mimi, 93 years old.
Site 4: Hawaii County

Ellen O’Kelly
Site Coordinator, University of Hawaii Manoa
After forty years working in Early Childhood Education and three years in retirement, she finds herself at the other end of the spectrum. Being a part of the GRANDcares team Gives Ellen a chance to learn new things and work with a dedicated group of professionals impacting the lives of Grandfamilies in Hawaii.

Kylie Phipps
Project Assistant, University of Hawaii Manoa
Kylie is an aspiring nurse who loves to go fishing, camping, and traveling. She is a student at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan where she completed her freshman year on campus but is currently taking online classes in West Hawaii on the Big Island until next year. She moved home for the time being to get married in Kona, where they are from.